Marcia Curley, RDN

Areas of Expertise

Finding Your Healthy Body Weight

Struggling to maintain your current weight? Wanting to lose some weight? Or maybe perhaps wanting to gain weight? 

Inflammatory Issues??Integrative & Functional Nutrition

Just what is integrative and functional nutrition, you ask? Quite simply, as Hippocrates once said, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."

micronutrient testing

Chronically tired? Feeling generally BLAH? You're surviving but you really want to be THRIVING? Vitamins and minerals are the little powerhouses in all our metabolic processes...could it be that something's missing??


Finding Your Healthy Body Weight

As we enter into each new decade of life, our bodies are constantly changing and our nutritional needs evolve. What I could eat when I was 21 is different than what I can eat now in my 50’s. As we get older, our metabolism changes, and especially if you're a woman approaching your 40's or thereafter, there are huge hormonal changes that effect your weight.

As a "seasoned" nutritionist, I've seen many trends & gimmicks come and go. Work with me and we'll put together an eating pattern that is simple and doesn't limit you or restrict you. I don't know about you, BUT, if someone tells me that I can no longer eat a certain food--like for instance, my favorite indulgence is French fries--tell me that I can never again eat French fries and guess what happens??? All I can think about is French fries; and, when I finally get my hands on some French fries, guess what I'm gonna do?? You guessed it! I am gonna splurge and indulge myself on those tasty fries.

I get it. I know what it's like to struggle with weight. As a 5' 2" female in my 50's--in terms of muscle mass and maintaining a healthy body weight--I have everything going against me. I know the struggle. Together, we can find an eating plan that works for you. Together, we can keep each other accountable. Together, we can set goals and work towards those goals. The pathway is simple. Staying on the pathway is the hard part. Contact me today to start your health & wellness journey.

Living Well....Mind. Body. Soul.

Finding the best version of you….

Finding the best version of you….


What is Integrative and Functional Nutrition?

Quite simply: it's a holistic approach to using food as medicine. It's an integrated and personalized approach to nutrition, health, and healing. Integrative and Functional Nutrition (IFN) centers around a holistic, "Food as Medicine" approach to wellness and is based firmly in the Integrative & Functional Medicine model. Whole-food therapies, targeted supplements, and mind-body modalities form the basis of "Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy"

Instead of just treating the symptoms, functional nutrition seeks to find the underlying causes. Inflammation is an underlying issue of many disorders/diseases.  Some inflammatory type disorders/diseases include:

  • Asthma and Allergies

  • Gluten Sensitivities

  • Migraines

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis

  • Other Inflammatory-Type Issues

Is it possible that whole-food therapies, targeted supplements, and mind-body modalities can ease the symptoms of these (and many more) diseases/conditions? Emerging research suggests YES!. What if we could eliminate or drastically reduce the inflammation with these techniques; and thus, reduce the effects of these diseases?

Click the button below to get the ball rolling to feeling better!

Ready to be the BEST version of YOU?

Ready to be the BEST version of YOU?


What is Micronutrient Testing and Why Should You Consider It?

Do you relate to any of these:

  • Do you often find yourself starting the day off fine, but by mid-afternoon you feel like you're just running out of steam??

  • Do you usually eat LESS than 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day?

  • Do you take oral contraceptives or are on hormone replacement therapy?

  • Do you take antacids daily?

  • Do you take antibiotics more often than the average person?

  • Do you have just a highly stressful lifestyle?

  • Do you consume fast food and/or "convenient-type" foods on a daily basis?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be prone to some micronutrient deficiencies.

What are Micronutrients, you ask?? Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals AND they are the little powerhouse nutrients that "lubricate" all of the body's metabolic processes. Vitamins and minerals are like the oil in your car. Your car may be FULL of gasoline but you're not gonna go very far if there's no oil in the car. 

In nutrition, the Macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fats) are the gasoline, and the Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are the oil. In other words, you can be eating plenty of food and getting lots of fuel; but if the quality of your diet is poor or you have some pre-existing health condition that's interfering with absorption, you may not be getting an adequate amount of the Micronutrients. 

Want to find out if you're deficient?? Click the button below....

Vitamins and Minerals are tiny powerhouses for the cells, tissues, and organs.

Vitamins and Minerals are tiny powerhouses for the cells, tissues, and organs.