Food Sensitivity Testing
Is Your Food Making You Sick?
Is Your Food Making you sick?
Are you suffering from a health problem that won’t go away no matter what you try? Or, perhaps your medications are just treating the symptoms and not really getting at the root of the problem. For many health issues, the symptoms stem from internal inflammation. So what is causing the inflammation? Inflammation is a response from the immune system. Basically,the inflammation is the body’s natural defense mechanism to some sort of irritant or invader.
So the question is: What is the irritating factor/invader? For many, the “invader” or irritant is something in their diet. Not a food allergy but rather a food sensitivity. Food sensitivity issues can be very difficult to identify as the symptoms may not appear until hours, and even days later.
We use the Mediator Release Test to test for food sensitivities. The results will not only tell you which foods you should AVOID, it will also tell you which are your BEST foods—those with the lowest reactivity. Food sensitivities have been linked to atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, migraines, asthma, to name a few conditions.
After we run the Mediator Release Test, we will work with you using the LEAP (Lifestyle Eating And Performance) Protocol to incorporate an anti-inflammatory eating plan that is customized and specifically designed for you.
Susan Linke, MBA, MS, RD, LD, CLT, CGP - Why the LEAP Protocol combined with the Mediator Release Test (MRT) is the best approach to battling food sensitivities, eliminating symptoms caused by inflammation, and resetting your immune system.
Why Should You Consider Testing Your Micronutrient Status?
Do you relate to any of these:
Do you often find yourself starting the day off fine, but by mid-afternoon you feel like you're just running out of steam??
Do you usually eat LESS than 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day?
Do you take oral contraceptives or are on hormone replacement therapy?
Do you take antacids daily?
Do you take antibiotics more often than the average person?
Do you have just a highly stressful lifestyle?
Do you consume fast food and/or "convenient-type" foods on a daily basis?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be prone to some micronutrient deficiencies. We use the SpectraCell Micronutrient Test. This test is an excellent tool for evaluating your overall nutritional status. It will look at 31 micronutrients; also, it will give you a score for your
Overall total antioxidant function
Cell-mediated immune function (in other words, a measure of how efficient is your immune response/function)
Glucose-Insulin Interaction (in other words, how well your insulin functions within the cells and how efficiently your cells metabolize glucose)
Fructose Sensitivity (in other words, let’s us know if you are unable to metabolize excess fructose…which can raise your triglycerides and uric acid levels)
Want more information on Micronutrient Testing??? Click the button below:
Thyroid Testing
and Hormone Panel
Have a hard time losing weight?
Cold Intolerance? Fatigue? Forgetfulness? Muscle Aches? Constipation? A loss of the outer third of the eyebrow? Did you know that these could all be possible symptoms of an under-active thyroid known as hypothyroidism?
Have a hard time gaining weight?
Irritability? Palpitations? Anxiety? Did you know these could all be possible symptoms of an over-active thyroid known as hyperthyroidism?
Unlike the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone(TSH) Test, which is the most commonly utilized screening and monitoring test for thyroid disease, the SpectraCell Thyroid Test runs a full work-up of thyroid hormones; plus, the primary anti-thyroid antibodies known as TPO and Tg antibodies.
For more information click the “Learn More” button above.